Feds, province invest in First Nations community bypass road
The federal and provincial governments have invested $4.5 million in construction of a bypass road in a Northern Ontario First Nations Community.
Combined with the money being spent by the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek council, the total project funding is nearly $5 million.
The project will see the construction of approximately five kilometres for a new bypass road, which will include gravel and asphalt components. The new bypass will offer an alternative travel route that is safer and allows residents to better access the community. It will also improve road access and foster economic development.
“Atikameksheng Anishnawbek is pleased to have received funding for the bypass road project,” said Gimaa Craig Nootchtai, chief of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. “This road will facilitate meaningful economic development opportunities and improve the health and safety of the community by providing an alternative route for vehicles, reducing traffic and dust pollution. The project is aligned with our Capital Plan and Comprehensive Community Plan as it will help foster economic and residential development for the benefit of our membership.”
Atikameksheng Anishnawbek is an Ojibway First Nation located on Whitefish Lake, 20 kilometres southwest of Sudbury.
Nootchtai said the road project will keep traffic away from the main village area in the community, and provide safer access to nearby logging areas and the former Long Lake Mine, which is being remediated by the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines.
“The creation of this road will provide construction job opportunities for community members and will facilitate increased economic development growth and independence,” Nootchtai said during a virtual news conference.
The community also hopes the new road will create the potential for another 30 residential lots and another 10 business lots.
The Government of Canada is investing over $3.6 million in this project through the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan. The Government of Ontario is also contributing nearly $900,000 for this important infrastructure project, while Atikameksheng Anishnawbek will invest more than $327,490.