Five tips to increase your cybersecurity
You've probably heard about 'cybersecurity', but what exactly is it, and why is it important? Simply put, cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, disruption, or misdirection. There's no doubt about it, the information that we store on our computer systems is valuable.
The way we use computers to store, share, access, and use our data is changing rapidly; therefore, so are methods to exploit this data. In the past, computers were used by businesses to make their record-keeping more efficient. Fast forward to the modern construction industry, computers are used for complex operations such as operating heavy machines, processing payment information, and sharing confidential information between clients and employees.
With all this valuable information being stored and shared, it raises the question of how secure is this data from cyber-attacks? As a business owner, protecting your data is crucial to avoid severe losses. The last thing you want is to have the client’s sensitive information be hacked.
Why is cybersecurity important in the construction industry?
In favour of efficiency, cybersecurity is not always a priority when sending sensitive information between clients and contractors. The mobile nature of the construction industry often means that data is shared using mobile devices such as laptops and phones over unsecured networks. This makes data vulnerable to a breach.
In December 2019, Bird Construction company fell victim to cybercrime that demanded ransom for their information. The company had worked on high-profile contracts with clients such as the Department of National Defense. Fortunately, the organization was able to continue operating; however, this attack highlighted the need for the construction industry to protect their corporate and client data.
Construction projects often mean that millions of dollars are being spent on supplies, labor, and technology. Sensitive information such as client details, payment information, and project details are confidential and should not be put in the wrong hands. If a construction company did have an information breach, this could mean serious financial, legal, and organizational consequences.
The landscape of the construction industry often means that the stakes are higher, and with that so is the incentive for hackers to steal valuable data.
How can you protect your construction business from cyberattacks?
To keep your business, your clients, and your workers safe from a data breach, here are five tips to stay cybersafe:
Educate and train staff
One of the best ways in which you can prepare yourself and your organization from a potential cyber-attack is to educate and train staff. Anyone who deals with processing, storing, or sharing data should be aware of what the most common cyber-attacks are, how to recognize them, and what to do when an attack is encountered.
Use multi-factor authentication
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an added security feature that consists of two or more independent credentials to verify you are who you claim to be. Three of the most common credentials consist of what the user knows (password), what the user has (security token) and what the user is (biometric verification).
MFA is a simple, first layer of security that prevents company information from getting into the wrong hands by requiring additional credentials before access is granted to company assets.
In general, it’s a good practice to strengthen the first entry point to access data by using strong passwords, using different passwords for different sites, and changing your passwords often. Password managers are great security tools to use that can help you store your credentials.
Backup files
Whether you store your data locally or on a cloud-based server, important information should always be backed up on an external hard drive. This ensures that if your data is breached, you will always have a way to retrieve and recover your data.
Encrypt your data
No matter if your data is stored locally on your device or shared between contractors and clients, your data should always be protected. You can encrypt your data by using various tools and applications built for full device encryption, cloud data encryption, internet traffic, emails, and SMS.
To keep your devices secure, encryption services will require resources (such as a password) to decrypt the data, making it less attractive to hackers.
Consult an expert
When in doubt about how to best secure your devices and network against cyber-attacks, consult with an expert. Cybersecurity experts are trained to find potential risks and develop strategies to prevent breaches. Remember, it’s always better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, they are the experts after all.
For any business that processes sensitive corporate or client information, cybersecurity should be a priority on all levels of operation. Knowing what you’re up against and how you can prepare your organization is key to being cybersafe.
Frank Abbruzzese is the president of AlphaKOR Group. With over 32 years of experience in the technology sector, Frank specializes in developing long-term relationships with organizations of all sizes and providing strategic planning for technological advancement.